Human Factors & Ergonomics (HFE) Hub
Human Factors & Ergonomics (HFE) Hub
Kate Conroy - AI Safety and Assurance
Sharon Todd is chatting to Adjunct Professor Kate Conroy one of the HFESA's Keynote speakers at our annual conference in Brisbane this year.
Dr Kate Conroy is a specialist in building trustworthy, ethical, and assured robotics, autonomous systems, and artificial Intelligence (RAS-AI) systems in both military and civilian domains. Dr Conroy works in AI Safety and Assurance Queensland Government and is Responsible AI Lead Royal Australian Air Force. With a PhD in philosophy from Rutgers University, specialising in epistemology, cognitive science and applied ethics, she is also Adjunct Professor at QUT Centre for Robotics and Associate Professor Human-centred computing at the University of Queensland. She speaks today in her personal capacity.
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